Saturday, January 28, 2012

selamat hari lahir untuk diri sendiri

selamat hari lahir yaya..
semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezekinya
semoga grad on time sayang
thanks to all my friend
wish my birthday on that nite
it is so sweet and no prank!
that my treat for my self!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

sat and sun

the worst day ever..lost my 50 notes..jb was crowded with "foreigner" it's suck day ever okay..haih tula kalau balik tak ikhlas..haa...padan muka kau tujuan aku balik sebab my cousin kahwin..first cousin okay..
pergi cs..ingat nak fully utilizekan baucer..amek 1 by 1 buku for my adik my mom and my dad..last2..cume cleo je aku amek..sbb crowded okay dengan budak sekolah nye lain student ipt nye lain..wahh..pening nak muntah..then lepak frapucino..okay my favorite is dark mocha frappucino with hazelnut syrup..disebabkan hujan yang lebat macam apa..lepak kat situ dari pukul 5 lebih sampai pukul 8..sebab baru notice my 50 notes hilang..damn it!! damn damn!nasib baik korek2 adela duit nak balik aku naik bas..huh!bas pon mcm roller coaster..mmg that day shit gila la lah!


 manis bila not ready

 gemok 1
gemok 2

selamat pengantin baru to my cousin rubaii and his wife juliza..semoga berkekalan sampai anak cucu!tak sbr nk dapat anak sedara!uit2..

Friday, January 20, 2012

gara2 bosan tahap gergasi kalakatu

bila dah terasa bosan sampai rambut pon jadi mangsa..actually i just cut my hair by my own..okay english sangat berterabur..thats why my muet only get BAND 3..omg so malu kan?but im proud to be malaysian eventough cakap pon ape kene mengene..stop it yaya....! okay sekian terima kasih sayang

i do miss u

its too 2 years to get a long hair..and that was my first time doing rebonding on my hair..and im kind a lazy person who tak suke remeh2..i do love to do pony on my hair so it comes back to original hair..curly2 blow..euwwww rindunye kat rambut ni..

see my hair..still ade colour..maroon2 merah..nanti nak addin more colour perhaps?awww...!

for maternity momma!

amboi kau yaya..dah fikir pasal ni!mmgla!i want my own baby!korang nak tahu tak aku dah ada nama untuk anak aku..hahahah..tak rasa teruk kan?sbb semua wanita yang dah meningkat dewasa ni macam aku la,,budak2 ape tahu..hey im getting 21 okay!haha..
alscha armani for my baby girl
alshah aiman for my baby boy..ceeewwwaahh!haha sudahla yaya!menyampah

sape kata pregnant momma cannot berstyle with cute big tummy..haa..see all these pic kot..husband mesti excited gila when look at his lovely wife wearing something cool on her body..takkan cari lain la!
so makcik2 aunty2 akak2 janganla risau if u know u r pregnant.u'll have a cute big tummy and can style like another non pregnant women..
yang ni aku amek from isabella brand
but boleh je dapat yang exactly mcm ni..
Stripe Tank Column Dress - Designer Dresses for women

Wrap Around Top - Designer Tops for Women

Garbo Trousers - Regular - Designer Trousers for women

The Wrap Column Dress  - Designer Dresses for Women
now u can go candle light dinner with ur husband..tak perlu rasa malu lagi!

Layering Ruched T - Designer Tops for women

Ruched Cami Tankini | Swimwear | Isabella Oliver Maternity
swimming with ur cute big tummy
Midi Pencil Skirt  - Designer Skirt for Women
i do love this..look sexy pregnant women!


kali ni kaler tema is orange.dalam my collection cuma ada satu je..MNG singlet.haha..kene tambah collection ni!so godam punye godam semua model2 tak segemuk nampak cantik je bila diorang berstyle..haha..check it out

orange tailored asoscom pants - white kntited ANA sweater

Simones Closet accessories

gold pants - carrot orange cardigan

gray skirt - carrot orange t-shirt - eggshell loafers

Thursday, January 19, 2012

blackberry porsche

BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981

ohoiii..berangan kejap..oh blackberry porsche..mcm smart je ni..nak satu boleh??oh sugar daddy i want this!

after 21 maybe?